CMA Uniform Policy
Dear Parents,
We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your on-going support of our uniform policy. There have been many positive outcomes as a result of this policy. Behavior, attitude, and focus on academics have all improved and students are feeling more comfortable with each other. The uniform policy at Coral Mountain Academy has been included below for your reference.
Coral Mountain Academy’s Uniform Policy calls for students to wear navy or khaki polo shirts (with a collar) and navy or khaki pants, shorts, or skirts (not black). Navy or khaki T-shirts with the Cougar Logo will only be allowed on Fridays. No jean/denim will be allowed. This uniform policy is supported by the Coachella Valley Unified School District (Board Policy 5132).
The students may wear any combination of the uniform they wish. All clothing shall be within the bounds of decency and good taste, as appropriate for school. Clothing shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times.
ALL students shall abide by the following:
- No bare midriffs, low tops or revealing tops, all tops must have sleeves.
- No clothing can be worn that is cut off, ragged, or torn.
- No see through or fish net type blouses or shirts.
- Shirts are to be tucked in. Some (girl) shirts need not be tucked in depending on style.
- No short skirts or short shorts (the length should be at the finger tips, when hands are placed on their sides).
- Gym shorts will not be allowed as school uniform attire.
- Oversized clothing, pants, shirts, jackets and initial belts are not allowed.
- No flip flops or sandals are permitted (closed toe shoes are required).
Please remember, students’ failure to comply with our school adopted uniform policy and/or failure to wear “appropriate student attire” may result in disciplinary action (Education Code 48900).
If your child comes to school wearing inappropriate clothing,
you will be contacted and expected to bring your child appropriate clothing.
Please take a few minutes to review the uniform policy with your child. It is important that your child wear the school uniform, not only to adhere to school policy, but to feel part of the school community. If you have questions call the school at 760-398-3525. Thank you for your support.