About ELAC

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

ELAC is a committee comprised of parents, staff, and community members specifically designated to advise school officials on English Learner program services.

Each school with more than 21 pupils classified English Learners shall establish a school level advisory committee on which parents or guardians or both, of such pupils constitute membership in at least the same percentage of English learners in the school.

ELAC Main Responsibilities:

  • Advise the principal, school staff and School Site Council of the needs of English Learners, including instructional and support needs; and advise on the development of the school plan.
  • Advise and assist the principal in conducting the school's needs assessment
  • Advise the principal on ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular attendance.
  • Review the results of the R-30 (Cal Pads) report.


  • Select one member (and an alternate) to be the representatives at DELAC meetings.