Absence & Attendance Information

Report and Absence


It is accepted practice in our District, as well as State required, to call or send a written note with your child when he or she is absent, stating the exact reason for his or her absence. If the child was absent for more than 2 days for an illness, we require a doctors note. If your child was out due to an appointment for either dental or medical, please get a note from the doctors or dentist office and bring it to the school office as soon as possible. The doctor or dentist can also fax in a note to (760) 393-0591.

To report a students absence please call the Attendance Office at (760) 848-1539. Please leave your child's full name, teacher or room number, date of absence, person reporting the absence and relation, phone number, and last the reason for the absence.

Thank you,

Adriana De La Torre

Coral Mountain Academy

Attendance Clerk